the end of 4 years of memories. 4 yrs tht embrance u and give u an experience tht is beyond value and monetary terms or 4 yrs of void tht would seem nth more special to u den any ordinary day. it is how u wish to spend ur 4 yrs tht really count. true, the exams in e end play a significant impact in the development of ur attitude towards e moments tht give colour and shade to time written but ultimately it is still u hu has to be credited to ur episode here.
the sweet taste of victory in a competition, the lone company of the ever-looming halls of corridors, the bitterness of defeat and disappointment, the frustration and anguish in failure, the juvalation of accomplishment, the dull placating tones of endless mugging, the choas of incompatibility, the crazy ramblings of classes, the incessant chatter of people around you, the every so funny lame jokes, the moments of support and the standing by of friens. all part of memory, one cannot do without the other, they all exist lyk yin and yang, all swarming thr my conscience as i recall past memories. nostalgic? definitely. i could scarsely control my emotions as we sang the batch song for the last time in the atrium, a moment to relish. though we held the arms of strangers, we were together for the last time, giving our hearts and souls and devoting all our capacity to relinquish and recall together something tht has sticked together wif us for 4 well-spent yrs. together.
i will definately miss time spent here in raffles institution. perhaps some ppl may proclaim me as some1 unwilling to move on but well i do treasure my history. ur hist is part of u, it gives u definition and experience. w/o a hist, we would hav no memories, no life to speak off. yet again, i'm so looking forward to going to jc. a fresh start, a new environment, new people, new concepts and a new experience. it feels entirely ironic, to both be joyous amd sad as we leave e portals of raffles insitution, which has undoubtedly been e centre of my universe. a rafflesian legacy. a rafflesian resolution.
jc life. a much more complex and superficial yet deep life all at the same life. some ppl will change. a lot off ppl will change. e influence of the opposite sex is definately going to be a big impacting factor here. i dun tink any other point can be more precisedly set in stone den tht. yet tht is not all tht comes. more politics, more sense, more judgement, more reason and more maddness. a fresh burst of flavour frm all the different cornerstones of teenage life, intriguing. and it seems tht is wad ultimately appeals to me. a shift away frm the sterotypicality and subjugated boredom tht plagues the minds of everyone of us these days. perhaps i'll be biting off more den i can chew? i'll get more den i can possibily handle? perhaps. but this element of chance in life is wad gives colour and surprise to life isn't it?
chance. hopefully i chanced an ace for my chem practical today. so far so good, nothing to fret bout yet. so it begins. the dreaded Os, the final test in tis course of our life. the ever-consuming maddness tht has been gnawing at the sanity at all of us, constantly prevading our conquest yet threatening to overwhelm us all together. i see it more den juz a obstacle now. i see it as a challenge to myself, a challenge to prove myself worthy, to show i can achieve wad i hav too often too incerely and too softly promised myself to do. i do it not for e sake of a U cert and e hope of a better life, not for e sake of bringing glory to my ancestors, not for e sake of my parents, but rather, for myself. a challenge i will overcome. and succeed.
mmm dun really feel lyk typing anymore, no mood today. felt really slack aft e chem paper, i'll probably try 2 do something later tonight. tomorrow's rj open hse, will probably go down 2 check out stuff. alright good luck for e upcoming papers every1 and for e last time Auspicium Melioris Aevi.
life is ticking away, every second, every minute. and here i am sitting in my of a flickerng monitor screen typing tis entry. haven updated in a long time i noe. dad went overseas again trying to settle a job in indonesia so here i am online aft all tis while yup. mmm i'm also not sure of e job status of my dad. he got retreched frm his old company and i believe he is doing something new wif his ex-boss. anyway so few ppl r online these days, all exam stressing sinking into every crevice of their minds. pervading sense and reason, ppl getting stressed out yet i feel strangely empty. i juz dun feel lyk studying yet i feel pressurized to study, i feel pressurized to do work to be hardworking to do wad every1 else is doing but seriously i feel lyk a a vacumn. an emptyness inside, juz sick of tis pointless efforts to mug and mug and mug.
its finally here isn't it. aft 4 yrs. somehow i tink i probably got burnt out aft prelims and i'm having trouble keeping my pace. all e previous times, the motivations and e stamina hav all been drained and bleached into oblivion and i feel juz lyk an empty husk, hollow, transparent and faded. all i can conjure are thoughts of finding ways to relax, my thoughts screaming out to juz run and release myself frm tis tormenting cycles of inflicting meaning facts into my memory. i wan 2 go to e beach and juz feel the breeze against my face without the nagging pain of Os grinding somewhere at the back of ur conscious, threathening to consume all ur sanity and leave u spitted with nothin but bones shld u dare to hav e audacity to ignore it. no tis cannot continue, i hav to drag myself out frm tis jagged sea of dispair and rise above e darkness. the last lap, the last month, the last ditch effort will not be in vain nor will it be bogged down and stained by my self-imposed and overly excessive paranoia and pessimism. i will hav 2 find motivation and i will overcome tis intact.
the last few days i've been watching e neon genesis evagelion dvd and wow it really roxs man. on a surface level it might seem juz another cartoonist dreams of his own warped twisted imagination of reality. or another childish story designed for marketting, but it goes more den tht. it has naturally all e themes and ideals tht 1 may find in a lot of other shows, self-sacrisfice, self-discovery, friendship, the stigmas of a bad childhood and e foolishness of humanity. the list goes on. wad gives man the right to exist anyway? are we so foolish in our efforts to survive we are willing to harness e engine of our destruction? the questions go on. but yet e most outstanding issue questions our very values and our existance. hu are we? are we defined as how we see ourselves? in tht case if u are e onli thing existance in nothingness, wad difference r u frm nothingness? how diffrent r u exactly? w/o anything there is no difference. it is onli thr e existance of the "other" tht "i" can defined isn't it? u are still ultimately defined by how u exist in every1's mind and how u exist in ur mind as well. none is independant of e other isn't it? everything together defines "u" fore w/o others and anything else, u hav no practical difference frm nothingness yet w/o urself, u cannot exist. perhaps these is y ppl care so much of wad others tink of em.
another interesting thing of human nature it points out - man wans freedom but rejects it at e same time. imagine if u can complete freedom, no rules to bound u by, u would not noe wad to do or where to go or wadsoever isn't it? u would wan an objective if not man feel his life has no purpose but wif an objective u hav a restriction. u wan emotion but emotion comes wif restrictions too. so indeed how can e idea of complete freedom exist actually? if one were give it, one would wan more and wif tht more one would be restricted. i hope e pt is coming across here but if u dun understand me go watch e series haha. well another thing is e true value of things we hold as worth of value. e pt there was pretty clear. u r not defined by ur value tht others see u by or even how u see urself by. u may be characterised by these value now, believing they r everything to see, so much to e pt tht they define u and u would be nothing w/o them but more often u can lead an entirely different life and still be defined as urself w/o em. juz another pt they drove across.
mmm well time flies in e flash of an eye, grad ceremony is tis saturday. wif e benefit of hindsight i guess i wished i did a lot of things differently but den again all things done hav value. it was juz a moment ago i tot i was in sec 1 orientation and well now 4 yrs hav gone and we hav walked thr e portals of ri. good or bad? impossble to evaluate isn't it? our lives can onli develop 1 way. there's no bar for comparison. anyway ya there'll be memories treasured and moments hated undoubtedly for every1 and tis all contributes to e sense of e experience we all went thr. a sense of saddness and a sense of juvalation, an irony in human beings so lyk e hedgehig's dilema but tht's wad all makes it even more worth remembering. ok ya tht's bout it i guess. back to mugging haha. cya and take care.
i'm beat man. juz came back from the beach. yup again. haha i'm lyk going there so often these days but well the whole ambience is so nice and relaxing and all and well u get e pic. maybe aft Os should go and camp there? haha or sentosa. we'll see how it goes. anyway went blading. or at least if u would call wad i did blading la. all i can claim is tht i haven completely forgotten how 2 stand on eight wheels so ya. haha ok la at least i'm getting for proficient at it. maybe by nxt yr it'll come as easy as cycling? heh. it seems 2 me i wan 2 go do so many things but there isn't enuff time. there nvr is is there? time is in such abundance, everyone, everything has it yet no can claim sufficient for himself. guess tht's juz e way it is. life is short, live it. well anyway so tht's basically the whole evening gone.
ok so well i finally got down 2 working again. bout time man haha. interestingly i forced myself 2 do it during e weekend wen i had been lyk slackin throughout e entire week since aft our last papers. ya finished our O lvl papers excluding e drawing parts and i realised i can't do some of e qns -.-" ok maybe its e phrasing or juz tht i forgotten all my stuff. if tht's e case well, i can return my a1s back to my teachers. okok so its a sign. gotta get back 2 mugging seriously again. i really dun feel lyk mugging man. mugging feels so bloody stupid and pointless. but well its juz these last stretch of e race, if we give up now we lose everything we endured and persevered for. no it wouldn't be worth it then.
sometimes i wonder wadever y we would plunge ourselves into darkness? i mean wad's e pt in e end anyway? is it coz of e legacy of an long-past elder in ur family? or is it juz e sense of accomplishment we feel wen we met and exceed our goals, exceling and achieving? or is tis juz a stepping stone in accomplishing our dreams for some? wadever it is, sometimes i get e feeling wad i'm doing is all for nothin and i dread it. its sicken yet it'll probably stick and hover around us for time to come and even more so i'll probably hav 2 get used 2 it.
i'm really glad tht i can get inspired or rather i can force myself 2 work by somethings and interestingly, its probably diff frm most ppl. haha its not parents, e dream for a better life or religion (i'm still a free tinker btw) or morals or whatsoever. its rather guilt haha. ya. strangely but definately. wen i see some of my friens working really really hard, ya i feel inspired 2 put in tht much effort as well, not to match e results or wadsoever but juz 2 match e effort haha. ya there u go. wad kind of warped mentality do i hav man? its juz tht i feel guilty not working so hard as well, so i do. or at least i try. bizzare but yes tht's e truth anyway. u can swallow it or spit it out it maks no diff anyway.
oh yes anyway i nvr imagined i'd actually lyk e songs frm a Christian band haha. really its juz so, so uplifting. its quite inspirational actually and motivating. now i understand y so many ppl lyk Hillsong. ya so ok maybe i dun really dig e lyrics bout God (no disrespect here) and all tht but well its juz e whole positivity and faith in it tht makes it really amazing and nice. its so diff frm e songs we hear nowadays. so refreshing and full of vigour and life. haha i really hav 2 thank ignatius for transfering e first song to me. i act din noe wad i was dling or hu i was listening 2 till i realised it was by Hillsong. so ya haha.
anyway gtg for dinner, i'm lyk so starving. mum's calling me anyway. and yup dad's back. came back yesterday/ so i'll expect he'll cut off my comp usage playing elysium? haha well wad can i say? cya.
-Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
-Winston Churchill
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