jubilation. at least temporal for now. results are out, hmm well i did better den i expected seriously. ok so there was a tinge of disappointment for dreams gone wild, a glimpse into un-reality, but hey seriously i'm more den contented. ambition might kill sometimes, and so will procrastination and complacence. well i got 85% for phy, truly surprising, mr wee gave me the impression i was a gonner. 91% for e maths and 76% for hist/ss. wow. i managed 2 get an a1 for hist/ss heh. din expect tht. ok eng 78% and lit b3 yep, score unknown: there u hav it, e slightly shreded fragments of a dream turned true. perhaps hoping for straight As is too high above e clouds. bio will be revealed tomolo yup. hopefully an A1 too? haha am i asking for too much? :P ok so e hard work really did pay off. all the times i juz felt lyk giving up, all the times in the dark swings of depression, all the times i forced myself grudgingly to go on, all the dark intense brooding moments. well its finally cumulated into this climax. or rather this calm night before the storm. ya got my 6 points, looks lyk i'd be able to juz walk over now. at least for e first 3 months. yep i'm definitely satisfied. but no slacking off. e most impt papers are yet to be.
anyway well i noe some ppl din do as they might hav hoped. yup i juz wanna say ya it isn't over. life nvr is until you choose for it to be. no one else can force you to click the game over button. there's still bio, lit and eng tomolo for those hu haven found out their marks for my class. other subs for others. dun giv up. there's still moderation too ya? its not over and even if we still dun all achieve straight As for prelims there're still Os. they r still e papers ultimately determining our future 2 yrs.
ok ya aft sch met up wif zaidi aft his meeting wif his p. sch mates. we went 2 orchard intending to catch a movie, but it was a tag too late and ya not exactly veri possible for zaidi 2 get back home 2 late so we juz decided to walk around and talk instead. yeah. boring? nah i dun tink so. it wasn't for me at least. a couple of interesting things happened though.
for starters we met weng at taka kino. as usual we were blind and she spotted us. heh probably studying wif her friens but man i feel so guilty aft seeing tht. =P ppl r working so hard aft prelims and there we were relaxin and cooling off for well no really justifiable reason really. aft all our prelims had already ended last wed, earlier den em and we shld hav had our share of fun by now. but well e most interesting thing was i juz make a comment onli moments earlier tht some ppl can't go 2 orchard w/o meetung some1 they noe and we were definitely not 1 of em. zaidi mentioned something lyk i shldn't say tht shld we really meet some1 and lo and behold we did. haha. one of life's lil' jokes =]
well which reminds me. i also met some1 on e train later on e way home. din noe hu she was but apparently she knew my name. she mentioned something bout mbs and p 5 i tink but i dun seem to hav any recollection at all. oh man my memory is lyk dying out on me or something. anyway ya couldn'd say much coz i had to alight so yup. another coincidence: i was toking 2 samjo earlier tis mornin bout memories of our lives and how they'll fade wif time and all. and how we shld mak due effort to preserve our memories, the only key to the past history tht defines us as wad we r. and there we hav me completely blanking out on my p sch days. haha well irony. another of life's cunning pranks perhaps? well i do sincerely hope tht e past memories of these 4 yrs will continue staying on wif me for e rest of mu life. i suddenly realise they're so intangible and easily forgotten. buried under the eons tht mark the passage of time, lost for good. they represent so many things we stand for, we did, we pursued, we acoomplished. forgetting em will be lyk letting a part of urself go: u will nvr be whole again. nostalgia? well heh i'm sure i can be entitled to be, i'll be graduating in a couple of weeks man =P
bear wif me, anyway another interesting incident was wen we were alighting frm summerset mrt, tis rg girl approached us to buy charity draw tickets. guess frm which organization? haha ya the red cross. woah u're trying 2 prompt zaidi and me to buy rc tixs? haha u gotta be joking man. i was bout 2 suan her if zaidi din pursuade me not to. fancy telling of all the people in the world who would otherwise willingly buy a tix for charity, the ex-rirc chair and v-chair to buy tixs. heh ya i noe a bit mean and all, she wouldn't noe of coz but well i really couldn't resist it. comic relief frm a stressed up day.
mmm u noe if u really open ur eyes and look around, u'd really notice a lot of things u probably wouldn't see b4. the world's a small place man. today at orchard station we saw tis ri guy wif the rg girl and he was lyk caressing her and standing intimately lyk ultra close to her. and he was lyk fondling wif her hair in a way tht bears hints of slightly pervertic semblence. MAN HAVE YOU NO SENSE OF SHAME??? my god tht was a public place for goodness sake and lyk both of you were bloody wearing the sch uniform damn it. and worse still u dun hav 2 be so damn blatant bout it. come on la i seriously see no probs wif hugs and kisses and all tht but e way it happened really hit a raw nerve. call me conventional, call me traditional wadever, i found tht too much man. anyway later wen we went 2 e esplanade to relish the moment aft prelims b4 we finally graduate, and we met one of zaidi's friens there wif his (probably stead?) small world isn't it? well glad to noe at least some ppl keep their dignity intact
mmm ok ya juz got back frm dinner. went out today, mid-autumn festival, mum decided to eat out for once. u noe sometimes we question the words tht define our lives and we find no ans. y r we alive anyway? if u tink bout tht more qns pop us. wad is the point in humanity's existance actually? Does a higher being really exist? if it did how did tht being come bout? if it did no, den y are here? human thought and emotion is such a complex and beautiful thing. it allows boundless transition tht gives people inspiration, tht gives people hope, tht helps define reality. yet despite the immenseness of all these qns and the impossibility of it to ans and prove it, they can be spurn juz frm a moment along the river-front and staring at the crabs on rocks below. sometimes i juz wish moments would juz freeze and be locked down for eternity, allowing us to contemplate wad we truly r, giving us something we are so desperately trying not to relinquish. beautiful moments, lyk juz sitting at the riverfrnt, staring out at the city with the wind blowing on ur face. achingly enthralling, yet always transient and fleeting.
ok if u din get e last part ya juz dun bother. it probably wun mak much sense to some but hey no one said thoughts are easy to understand. if they were, we would all hav attained nirvana wouldn't we? anyway ya wrote long enuff. tak care ppl.
so yup today is the first day of getting back prelim results. so far haven been disappointed yet and actually things hav turned out pleasently well. got back 3 papers + 1 if u can count chi as a paper and ss as one too. -.-" all a1s haha. well a maths 89%, chem 87%, ss 39/50 and chi well ya. chi. anyway basically e linchpin of everything is in tomolo's hist paper, i need a 36 which basically equates to a 18 + 18 in order to score a 1. i'm not keeping too high hopes for tht one well coz onli 1 in 3 ppl got a1 so lyk according to our all so accomodating teachers we din exactly do very well. i'm lyk such a contradiction man, i hav half a mind lyk freaking out for e results and e other half of me does seem 2 care. lit busted. forget it man. i'll probably get a b3.
well after modest assurance frm various sources both reliable and unreliable, i feel confident enough to say i shld be able get a a1 for my L1. which leaves basically humanities to be desired + 1 other sub to clinch e 6-pointer fantasy. probably e-maths? according to mr kwa i guess it shld be a1nable. bio wasn't too well done, slightly less den half achieved an a1. phy not too reassuring man, mr wee gave such a great confidence booster for a comment. hoping for an a2 but i tink b3 would seem more viable. sign. hist/ss i wun dare to give myself a stipulated score least my projected guess comes true and one tht i would not be all too comfortable with. i seriously hope for some divine miracle or juz some serious moderation. ok tht leaves a L1R5 of 8 pts projected if i use lit which with a deduction of 4 pts shld be alright unless our batch goes cut-throat with marks and absolutely kills everyone yup. not too badly done i guess, but not too marvelous either.
ok enough on results. yep went cycling wif tiong yesterday mornin. we cycled all e way 2 changi airport runway. haha e roads there r excellant man. u can cycle lyk hell and there'll still be hell more to go. but well time 2 settle in aft all e aft-prelims activities. can't afford 2 get complacent. no classical cases here. kinda hard 2 settle back down. dun feel lyk it but well i'll probably hav to force myself down 2 it sooner or later. better sooner. Os in a couple of weeks. sheesh, i never imagined tis day man. ever. but well reality catches up and we all hav 2 continue running again. least we become e most qualified person to apply for a road sweeping job next yr. haha interesting quote frm edward d.c.
okok sorry today's entry kinda suxs. blabbering non-stop for so long. all thrash and crap. anyway ya changed my template again to tis one. yup again. =P took kenny's advise and decided he was rite, the last one was a bit too feminish for my taste. =/ anyway ya hopefully tis stroke of fortune will continue on and may everyone get be given e choice to pursue their dreams. buaiz.
ok i redid the layout of my blog obviously. please tell me wad u tink of it and yes i'm finally updating again. haha last time was lyk one sat so far away i can't rmb coz my sats hav basically been the dull monotonous sterotypical ones i'm so getting sick of. prelims man. they are so ultimately sucky. countless hours of mugging and more mugging and looking at books and trying to recall the functions of the liver. sheesh.
the word finally hasn't really solidified down yet but perhaps it shouldn't. its not over yet. there's still Os coming up man. tht'll be lyk somewhere very close. ppl are already beginning their count down and gearing up for tis final leg of e race but well i tink i'll give myself an extended holiday for now. haha no point forceing myself to study wen all i wan is 2 burst out of tis encapsulating fate. anyway talking bout prelims i would say they were ok. managable would be more or less appropriate. of coz u always hav e few exceptions and impossibily horrendous subs lyk the unseen poem for lit which practically killed my brian wen i read it and of coz our all so favourite humanities subject lyk ss/hist. tok bout a humanities course in jc man. i wouldn't expect too much frm it, but i guess if a sprinkle of allowed optimism, there would be no slander to say i could get into rj. or wadever jc i decide to apply for. hopefully.
the rj dream. or so it seemed was firmly rooted inside of me before i sat for e prelims. i had been trying 2 use tht as a motivation 2 study for facing the bore of mugging and mugging and even more mugging. but it seems the foundations of tht dream has been shaken. aft e series of jc talks doubts hav again started to resurface. rj seems so, so u noe "tradition of excellance", prim and proper and all tht sort. good yes but too inflexible. vj on the other hand seems more vibrant and alive. tht is really attractive and as mentioned, it is close. a definite plus point. hc seems another option not worth discarding entirely too coz it does present itself as a cross between rj and vj, vibrancy and muggish all together. yet somehow the new surroundings and fresh beginning really appeals to me. budden seriously its awfully far, not to mention i lose my 2 pts bonus for affiliation and its very very chinese based, probably not suited for me and frm wad i gathered not as vibrant as i was given the impression. but we'll see.
heh been watching movies/lanning e past 2 days. haven done tht in lyk eons already felt so good to be playing hard again. however hard tht could be with e fact tht we still hav restraints. anyway went cycling yesterday to ecp den all the way up to t.m. safra. with all the planes landing and taking off it was rather cool, but nothing can beat the feeling of sea breeze hitting ur face, music blasting in ur ears and the whole of the beach pervading ur senses man. its so detached, so relaxing, w/o a care in the whole damn world. all u noe is the track in front of you, the waves and sand around you, and urself cycling everything outa ur system. the smell of fresh air breathes life into you again. at least for e moment. it rawks man. if only wad is could be wad will be forever.
ok i guess i've ranted on long enuff la. nth really much 2 talk about really. results r coming back on monday but i dun really care anymore. its all done, all decided no use freaking out. no point. rather enjoy myself while i still can before hitting e books again on monday. tomolo meeting tiong hwee to go cycling at ecp. haha yup again. well aft tht, we'll see where i go ya? anyway good luck to everyone whether getting back prelim results or sitting for e last few prelim papers. i guess we could all do some use wif a flash of luck here and there. cya.
they keep us in, isolate us from the world. they bear the burden of keeping the deepest darkest secrets of our soul in desolation. they seperate us and keeps us as individuals. they represent a physical and psychological constraint that deems the world as self. that was the compo topic i chose yesterday for my english prelims. decently written? i'm not even sure. it was meant as an emotional piece but i doubt i reached that level. did not have enough time to develop the piece fully. but i guess it was a good topic, but i had problems expressing what i truely wished to say after finishinh the second paragraph. writer's block is a lame excuse but well how else can i justify myself. i guess it was nothing short of being cliche.
ok yes u heard this story probably like a billion times already. prelims coming no time to update blog heh. throw in the fact tht my dad's home even more often after his contract got terminated, he's basically home everyday using the com playing eo. yup. retrechment. again. sign. hopefully he'll get a new job soon. anyway ya so here i am at marine parade public library updating my blog at the public com. :X can't study at home esp at night so ya. sis, mum, dad and cousin will divert my attention to something irrelavent. oh today is hcl paper so ya i dun hav to attend school.
blasting at everyone now is probably prelims no doubt. it already started for major papers for a lot of ppl. i'm juz glad our major subs are starting only after the sep holidays. i really need the time to brush up and revamp my humans man. totally sucky. cmi esp literature. 12th night and pdd. one comment: disgusting. anyway hopefully i din screw my english prelims man. i'm so not wanting to go to inova. haha besides its lyk looking out mainly for the sports inclined people so i wun even be able to gain entry.
ok i believe i'm sounding senseless and incongruent again. i can't seem to focus today. as usual. with the radio station playing non-stop in my ears, its even worse. haha. rubbish. -ignore above section, its nothing but glibberish- somehow i feel that my rj dream is masquerading behind the misty fog of prelims, just out of reach, tempting me. sickening. i dun dare proclaim the confidence of going there no matter wad everyone else may say. in a bid of sincerity or insult i dun noe and dun care. they dun understand anyway and i dun expect they will. haha everyone's already engrossed trying to contemplate the meaning of their lives, how can they manage understanding another so much if they've never spent more than a few moments truely with them?
so much has happened it seems the past few weeks. i feel tempted to comment on the shift of focus of the government i but i guess unconventional issues that do not relate to a single childish and insensitive teenage whining about his currently depressing that will change after a few more weeks life shld be kept to himself. haha. wad else? teachers' day? hmmm i would juz lyk to pay tribute to a few teachers for their outstanding efforts and dedication here. din do anything for em tht day so ya tis is the least i can do. firstly i would lyk to thank mr kwa for tolerating all my nonsense and being such a great maths teacher. next mdm ong for putting in so many hours after school to prepare tiong hwee and me for the chi Os which both os us got A1 :P hopefully everything has gone well for her operation. next mrs jocelyn lim for yup being so concerned over our class and teaching bio so superbly. last but not least mrs ang, my ex-cca teacher in charge. besides all the strained moments, she still deserves my undying appreciation.
ok can't wait for prelims to end. anyway guys how was the paper?? hopefully it's ok right? haha. anyway ya better not lose my drive at this stage man. raining outside right now, the whole lib feels so peaceful. ok gotta go back to my objective. cannot afford to digress too much :P cya.
-Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
-Winston Churchill
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