ahhh juz got back frm debate finals and finished my dinner. went wif zaidi, jonathan and abel. yeah!!! we won e debate finals against acs(i) 4-1 wif our hse proposing e motion tht gambling shld not be legalized or something liddat yup. it was a srjc and held together wif 3rd/4th placing match of sc vs ij debating over e motion tht president bush shld be re-elected wif e latter and e proposition winning. rather fiery debates if u ask me and quite a lot of ppl got worked up haha. esp e debators. after e finals, during e floor debate thingy all e ri ppl was lyk hogging e floor debate 2 put forward pts against e legalization of gambling *duh* and e mike i choose wasn't really working. so e stuff i said wasn't transmitted to e audience. haiz. funny thing later was we tried to do unite on e stage and some ppl were falling off while trying to stamp their feet. lol. and as usual e lines "we walk frm e field wif pride and fame" was "na na na na na na na" and we ended up laughing at ourselves. again. -.-" haha. another thing was tht we took sup long trying 2 find srjc. haha kept on going e wrng way....
anyway yah i'm suppose 2 be parade commander fer tis yr's founder's day parade. lol haha. my voice isn't suppose to be as good but my drills r better *makes face* dotz. tis yr all e parade appointment holders all rc. wif zaidi and clarence as stick orderlies. j wong's decision. haha. conflicting emotions.. feeling both honoured and crappy. parade commander hav 2 do lota rubbish and if i screw up man. i'll be so dead. =P hopefully it rains...... i wish. haha. gonna need some brushing up.
sheesh i tink i screwed my hist test. ahh wrote total crap and couldn't rmb my facts. saddening. fortunately its not counted but tht's not e pt is it? e pt is i couldn't get e eassay done properly. forogt e fact chinese detonated their own abom w/o russian help and e too fast too far thingy. and couldn't link properly. ahh well. does tht mean remedial? haha. anyway yah tis morning came 2 class and everyone was lyk urm urm... even ms neoh suspected lol. so much fer wad happened yesterday and all e disapproval i got. lol. total crap man. a tact hypocritical but hey aren't we all to some degree anyway?
*yawns* kinda tired now after all e cheering n listening 2 e gals scream, cheer and sing for e dunno how many-th time. not as bad as talenttime finals 2004 though haha. tht was a killer. =P hmm finally took e liberty of filing e resta my stuff after my last puncher broke. yah completely fragmented. haha. ok la. i noe my entries r not as philosophical as before but hmmm can't really bring myself to tink and write too much these days. anyway i shall end off wif a quote quoted frm president george w.bush junior by imran. (not sure if i rmbed it correctly though) chow.
"i have one word to say: be very prepared" -interesting reflection on his abilities as imran so pointed out haha after e ij-sc debate-
so interesting that one remark can spark off so many comments. haha ppl questioning me which part of e rafflesian community i'm in, the 90% or e 10%, and giving me a whole long string of words some of which i hav nvr seen b4 =P and yes tht's an ironic statement coz i can't really categorize myself into e 10%. i break my own fair share of rules man haha. but i view myself in regard tht i can be serious wen need be. i guess tht everyone has their own porblems in character. e standard rafflesian hallmark is i'd say almost impossible yup but its probably juz a matter of how far we r frm it. some r closer lyk e 10% some r further lyk e rest. perhaps. *shrugs* haha we often do things noeing wad they truely mean but still plundge into it. forget it tis isn't e pt of tis entry anyway.
and yes today was late. again. haiz. i really needa tak more measures 2 make sure i get up on time man. my sis forgot 2 set her alarm clock. i forgot e reset mine b4 going 2 sleep after doing e loci supplymentry and yah u get e rest of e story. had to tak a cab to sch, missed bout e 1st lesson block. hmm i guess i hav 2 do something about it. cannot afford 2 be so reliant and irresponsible.
ok had some award ceremony today as well. lee hock ley award ceremony or something. yup he was an old boy and wen he passed away in 1997, he stated in his will that he would donate 2 million dollars 2 e sch. man 2 million wen i saw e cheque i was lyk my god. *mouth hanging* i nvr seen a cheque wif such a large sum b4. i tink we will receive e interest generated or something. yah. den after tht at reception we were chatting wif HM and he was lyk toking bout e rafflesian spirit and asking whether we were passionate rafflesians or not. tinking bout it now, its rather ironic again i guess wif all e fuss i generated wif tht 1 comment. haha din answer his qns man juz smiled coz it'll lyk so fake if i said yes. i dare not say i'm a passionate rafflesian. no i dun tink i'm ready to say i'm there yet.
anyway yah i tink i really pissed a few ppl off in class today. yup. philip for one. probably thought i was blabbering rubbish at e atruim 2dae. well it doesn't matter. as long as there r ppl hu understand and appreciate y we do things its ok i guess. sign. and kenny to a slight bit too. maybe more. haha. actaully i was wondering if he made some comment bout it in my tag board but he din. yah ok so i went overboard asking around bout e maths test. probably shldn't hav done tht. degeneration of e rafflesian spirit and society and here i'm deteriorating it even further. goes to testify myself as a person huh? well wad's done is done can't change it. even though wad i did turned out to be rather pointless in e end, e fact is i still did it. i really shld stop juz criticizing myself and do something bout it.
hmm y do i tink tis yr's founder's day is gonna be so boring? man i mean geezes look at e way its being rushed and e enthusiasm about it and u dun needa psychic to tell. haha maybe it'll juz rain and j. wong would hav 2 cancel e parade for e first time as far as he noes. *bish* evil cedric, yah coz it'll waste e time of all those hu put it effort to put up a display but i guess most ppl wouldn't really minds. haha.
hmmm i really miss e old days i guess. wen we were in sec 2 and life was so much easier and simpler. reminiscing. wen there were so many problems and everything was so focused and orientated and u din question ur life and existance so often. well i guess e times onli come back wen zaidi and i tok bout it. he went thr those days wif me all e way he's probably e one hu understand those times. haha pity now we can onli recall and laugh at ourselves den.
ok yah enuff crap. mum's calling me. still gotta stardee fer hist test tomolo. urgh. ok cyaz ppl.
hey ppl,
ok today had learning journeys. i really appreciate e fact tht i din hav e wake up fer sch early but haha i dun tink i would wanna do tis everyday man. ok it was refreshing, u dun hav e face e 4 concrete walls and hear e ohp fan whining away but it would be veri crappy if they organized too much of tis kinda trip. i mean e guy hu gave us e lecture in e lt b4 we went off been doing so fer e last 3 yrs. haha.
anyway yah went fort canning (again!) urgh, den went st andrew's cathedral, city hall, parliment house and supreme court. well initially it was super boring man. as in way way boring coz lyk i've been 2 fort canning probably a gazillion times. yah den zhao yu was being sup enthu bout it. bleah. and my class was being themselves doing lame and childish things and toking lota stuff bout our facilitator. ok so she may not be able to speak eng as well as we do and she looks half-sick or something but giv her a break man. e rest of the trip wasn't so bad. rather interesting if u care to tink bout it. but e sad part is a lot of info was repeated so it was rather dry. parliment hse i guess was e most interesting. haha yah went into e parlimentry chambers and looked around. kinda cool. probably e onli cool thing bout it. budden i noe nuts bout parlimentry proceedings so yah haha was rather blur bout e details and all yah.
yah today din eat lunch b4 e trip and i was starving throughout e entire trip. still suffering frm e consequence as i await my dinner while i'm typing tis haha. went coping mentos and sweets frm ppl throughout e entire journey. haha yah i noe i was being irritating but hey a hungry man is an angry man. haha. oh yah thank god we meet abel in e parliment house cafeteria and he brought a big pack of chips. my savior lol. =P lol i dun needa elaborate wad happened after tht haha. *bish* bad cedric. coped so much chips.... haha.
i gotta say something man. some ppl in my class r sup childish and immature. and today to an extent idiotic man. some ppl needa really grow up and stop being an idiot geezes. for 1 thing we couldn't even keep quiet for a moment. and some ppl r so lyk ultra lame. doing lame stuff cracking lame jokes asking lame questions and some dun even hav respect for religion. tak wad peter did at e keremat today, some stupid pose or something. or e lame qns philip asked before tht. goes to show their mentality man. and some ppl found e lame attitude funny. my god i dunno wad to say man. *speechless* fortunately there r still ppl lyk tiong hwee and jonathan hu r more mature if not tis class will really be totally crappy. but well wad can i expect? probably 90% of rafflesians dun live up to to our own proclaimed hallmark of prestige and excellence.
hmm maybe i'll go find something 2 eat first. argh damn hungry... where's my dinner. bleah. there's still a maths test tomolo on loci and investigative problems and i haven touched my supplymentry exercises or gone thr my notes yet. y do i get e feeling i'm gonna die badly?? haha. better go practice later. yah kk enuff crap, going off now cya.
Yoz all,
Yeah finally created a new blog. plz take note yup. anyway easy journal was so slow man. u could hav died waiting for it to load and worse u can't even edit e stuff. urgh. but at least u already have e template. haha oh man i nearly died trying to get tis thing up and running. fact is i dun even noe if its running properly. hmm can anyone giv me a bit of assistance??? ok yah i noe i haven touched my old blog for an extremely long time yup sorri. couldn't write properly and was lyk so lazy to update it. haha. anyway if it weren't learning journey day tomolo and my dad isn't in town, i wouldn't even try updating or creating a new blog man. yeah he's lyk fighting wif me for e com 24-7 coz e com i can use has an online game he's playing. -.-" yah i noe its weird. anyway yah needa thank jonathan, aloysius and joel for helping me create this. or wadever there is of it.
ok yah tomolo is learning journey. geezes y do i hav e premonition its gonna be soooo meaningful man. parliment house. well i guess it would be better den a day in sch. or maybe not. and i dun hav to wake up so early tomolo!!! yes! finally haha. budden its lyk wad till 5+. i tink i'm so gonna die for maths test on wednesday. help. man if ms neoh din postpone e hist test i'll be lyk so dead. dunno. maybe it'll be better. maybe not. ok ok maybe i'm juz against it but well we'll wait and see.
ok hmm. i'm totally broke now man. after e weekend. ok in short last sat and sun, we celebrated my cousin's 21st b-dae together wif my sis's b-dae and mine at tanah merah chalet. yup basically spent a bomb on bowling. =P throwing $$ down e dran man. haha yah now suffering coz of tht. worse still bought 2 rp tickets frm navjote. going wif zaidi and jonathan being e evil treasurer tht he is kept on chasing me for class fund. so i now owe sean $10 and leon $5. bleah. zaidi better pay for ur rp ticket quick!!! if not quite sad lah seriously haha.
ok its late enuff, still hav to continue editting e code for me blog. geezes tis is not easy man. ahhh. kinda sleepy already *yawns* i dun tink i wanna repeat my sleeping hours fer last week. =) ok yah enjoy ur learning journey tomolo ppl and try to hav fun. haha. parliment house. geezes wait, my mum's nagging at me to go to sleep again. tsk tsk. ok buaiz.
-Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
-Winston Churchill
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